Mobile Apps


In this section I include some of the mobile app projects I worked on in recent years.

First, there are the mobile apps for the Gallo Center. GCA's Mobile Tickets app features e-tickets, using QR Code and n-scan technology, that make it easy for an usher to scan off your smart phone so you can get right to your seat. eBartnder was an app that allowed patrons to buy concession drinks or snacks at home, then come in and get them in the lobby before the show.

Also here are Mobile Web version apps that I created for Alcor Solar and Tennis pro Mark Fairchilds. These would load automatically if you visited the websites with a mobile device.

Where'd I Park? This was an app I created with the idea of being able to help find your car.

Have you ever parked your car only to return and not find it? You grab your keys and hit the lock to sound the horn, still can't hear it? I created the Where'd I Park? app to help you find your car precisely where you left it. This app is created with extreme simplicity and ease of use. It is not meant to drain your battery by accessing internal features of your mobile device, like some other popular apps do. This app does not access or track any internal phone data, personal info, GPS or Geolocation services. It is created with the assumption that people may turn off certain mobile device services within the settings area.